Newlands School

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Waverley Road, Middleton, Manchester, M24 6JG

0161 655 0220

Newlands School

  1. Our Provision
  2. Our Classes

Our Classes

Our classes are organised by colour, running from one end of the school to the other. It certainly creates a bright corridor!


We have 13 classes.  They are:


Black Class - Jen Byrne

White Class - Elly Ford

Red Class - Kitty Wilson

Orange Class - Ayshea Parkinson

Yellow Class -Dionne Smith

Green Class - Catherine Booth

Blue Class - Rachel Hayden

Indigo Class - Sammy Badham

Violet Class - Sam Hemmings-Smith (M-W) Kathryn Eyres (Th-F)

Bronze Class - Tracey Hanson Barnett

Silver Class - Sofi Wilde

Gold Class - Vanessa Simpson

Pink Class - Georgina Butterworth