Newlands School

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Waverley Road, Middleton, Manchester, M24 6JG

0161 655 0220

Newlands School

We currently have a vacancy for a class teacher. For further information and to apply please go to the Our Team - Vacancies page

  1. Our Provision
  2. Inclusion


Inclusive work with Hollin Primary

Being co-located with Hollin Primary presents fantastic opportunities for many of our pupils and for theirs too.  Each class in Newlands is linked with a 'buddy class' in Hollin. These classes join together throughout the year for a variety of activities, lessons, and playtime sessionsAt times we also hold small events to bring the children from both schools together, but of course they see each other regularly whilst moving through the corridors to different parts of the shared school building. 


We believe that Inclusive work with Hollin is a great thing and seek this out wherever and whenever we can.  Because Newlands and Hollin are two separate schools housed in the same building, each school has its own Leadership, Teaching, Support and Business teams, and separate Admission Processes and Governing Boards.


If we feel your child may benefit from the additional challenge of some lessons within a Hollin class,  we will aim to set this up with a Teacher from Hollin.  These links are only put in place if we are in agreement that this is in the best interests of the child and this can be practically arranged with Hollin Staff.   Similarly, Hollin pupils may access some of Newlands Classes and facilities at planned times.  


Access to facilities in Hollin will not be stated on a child's EHCP and must not be assumed as this is always via mutual agreement and practical considerations. 


Placement of a child at Newlands or Hollin has no influence on the placement of their siblings.