Newlands School

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Newlands School

  1. Our Provision
  2. Our Pathways 2024-25
  3. Pathway 3
  4. Horse Chestnut


March 2025

In Horse Chestnut Class we have been leaning about different animals. We visited Pets at Home on our Educational Visit and we identified different animals in the shop. We have also been using an observation checklist whilst in our wooded area to spot features of a woodland habitat. The children have matched objects to pictures and enjoyed exploring different tuff trays filled with woodland animals and insects too! 

Unicef Rights Respecting Schools

January 2025


“I have the right to good quality health care, to clean water, and good food”

Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Article 24


In Horse Chestnut Class we have been focusing on healthy eating during our Food Technology sessions, we have been identifying different fruits and vegetables and categorising them into groups. We have made some healthy crisps using courgettes and we have designed and made our own fruit salads. We have also been learning about dental hygiene, we listen to the “Brush Bus” song daily when we brush after dinnertime!




Dancing in PE

November 2024

This half term we have really enjoyed learning about different styles of dance during our PE lessons. 

We have been looking at different dance styles from around the world such as the bhangra from India, tap from the USA and ballet from France.

English work

September 2024

In Horse Chestnut Class we have been starting our writing lessons with some Dough Disco! This helps with our fine motor skills and prepares us for mark making and writing. Some of us have been practising our pre- writing shapes and some of us have been working hard to form our letters. We have enjoyed some 1 to 1 reading sessions where we have engaged well in different books and some of us have even been learning to blend our sounds to read simple CVC words.