Newlands School

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0161 655 0220

Newlands School

  1. Key Information
  2. Curriculum


Newlands offers each child access to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum, which is based on individual need. 


Class teams work to ensure that the curriculum  

  • Is age and interest appropriate
  • Is closely matched to the ability and current needs of individual children
  • Builds on pupil strengths in order to motivate and reward pupils
  • Presents supported challenge
  • Celebrates pupil achievement
  • Provides a variety of approaches (for example, teaching through specific subjects, through group or individual work, addressing learning through topic work or individually structured teaching programmes)
  • Places an emphasis on skill development in different areas
  • Is flexible in response to the changing needs of pupils


Throughout the school, an emphasis is placed on communication, both verbal and non-verbal.  This includes the use of objects of reference, basic gestures, the Signalong communication system and a range of symbols alongside verbal communication.


All our pupils learn in in very different ways and we aim to make our Curriculum as personalised as possible.  This means that our Curriculum documents change as we develop our approaches to meet the needs of children at Newlands at any particular time.


Over the last few years we have changed our Topic Cycle to cover National Curriculum experiences for our pupils and keep working to adapt this, after reviewing the children's progress and responses.


Following the Rochford Review, we continue to develop our Curriculum which already provides some children with a greater focus on subject related learning than others.  For ALL children, the agreed Outcomes in their Education Health and Care Plans are the most important areas of learning.


 Key Stage 1 (ages 5 – 7) and Key Stage 2 (ages 8 – 11)

Children in Key Stages 1 and 2 access subjects within the National Curriculum.  All activities and learning experiences are adapted and presented at a level that each child will understand and enjoy.  This may include a main focus on developing engagement and responses or on learning subject specific skills. Children are placed in mixed classes, linked to age and need.  These are usually, but not always, within one Key Stage.

Much of our curriculum is taught using a topic based approach, in addition to specific Literacy and Numeracy based sessions.   View a summary of our latest Topic Cycle here.


Subject areas are arranged under these headings:

Creative Development

Art, Drama & Music.

Physical Development and Outdoor Learning

Including PE & Swimming

Understanding the World / Humanities

History, Geography and R.E.

Technology for Teaching and Learning

Food Technology, Computing and  Design Technology

Personal Development and Independence

Pupils are also taught Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) - supported by SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship - Coram Life Education)

Sex and relationships Education (SRE)

Independence Skills CAPS - Children's Achievement in Personal Skills


Curriculum Complaints 

In accordance with the 1988 Education Act (Section 23) complaints about the curriculum and related matters may be made in the first instance to the Headteacher. 

Full details of the complaints procedures are available by contacting the school office.