Newlands School

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Waverley Road, Middleton, Manchester, M24 6JG

0161 655 0220

Newlands School

We currently have a vacancy for a class teacher. For further information and to apply please go to the Our Team - Vacancies page

  1. Our Teams
  2. Our Governors

Role of the Governors

The Governors of the School make decisions about how the school is run.   Once approved and signed by the Chair of Governors, all minutes of Governors meetings are available in the school office to read on request. 

Governors are appointed to help decide what is taught, to contribute to the interviewing, selection and management of the staff, to consider policies, including behaviour management, and to ensure that the school budget is spent appropriately.

Governors also have certain legal duties, powers and responsibilities. All decisions of the Governing Board are made through committee and not by individual Governors.

The Governing Board consists of parents, LA nominees, the Head Teacher, staff and other members of the community. Governors provide a range of perspectives although their role is not to represent the views of different groups.  All Governors have voting rights, but not necessarily at all meetings.

Governors usually serve for a period of four years. Elected Governor vacancies are always well advertised.