Newlands School

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Waverley Road, Middleton, Manchester, M24 6JG

0161 655 0220

Newlands School

  1. Key Information
  2. Curriculum
  3. Topics


Our Topic Cycle includes sub-topics for Science and PSHE to ensure these areas have a high level of 'coverage'.  For some pupils this will support their wider development of subject-related skills and understanding.  For other children this gives them a broader learning experience which, in turn, supports their improving levels of Engagement. 


We use a Topic approach to cover the National Curriculum and make sure our children have the most relevant and varied experiences as they move through school.


For 2023-24 our Key Stage groupings are 

EYFS/KS1 : Black, White, Red, Orange, Yellow and Green Classes

KS2: Blue, Indigo, Violet, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Pink Classes


We adapt our curriculum constantly so that we can focus on the Wellbeing, Engagement  and Development of all pupils.  


As children are placed in classes according to their age and stage, their curriculum focus differs too. 

Engagement Focus:  Orange, Yellow and Violet 

Development Focus:  Indigo and Gold 

Combined Focus: Black, White, Red, Green, Blue, Indigo, Bronze, Silver and Pink.


ALL classes concentrate on Wellbeing and Personal Development too. 


Our 'Festival Days', linked to different religions, will bring us together to learn about cultures and celebrations.